What Are The Places You Shouldn’t Get A Massage While Pregnant?
If you are pregnant, there are some things to take into consideration before getting a massage. While it may be tempting to get one during your pregnancy, massages can lead to complications with the baby and other serious health problems for you. If you're considering getting a massage while pregnant, the first talk with your doctor-certified medical massage therapist, or midwife about their opinion on whether or not this is safe for both of you.
While prenatal massages can provide a safe and beneficial way to reduce stress, stretch muscles, and improve sleep quality which is why you would want to consider getting one during your pregnancy. However, there are certain places that pregnant women should avoid when it comes to prenatal massage:
Pregnant women should not receive prenatal massage on the abdomen. This is because there are major organs located in this region, including your uterus which has a tendency to grow during pregnancy and will make it difficult for you to lie comfortably if massaged too hard or stretched too far.
Feet And Legs
Pregnant women should avoid receiving prenatal massage on their feet and legs. This is because your pregnancy can cause swelling in these areas which will make it difficult for you to feel comfortable while lying down throughout the session. Furthermore, pregnancy can also cause less flexible ligaments which may increase the risk of injury if stretched too much.
Pressure Points
Pregnant women should avoid receiving prenatal massages on pressure points. This is because these areas are more sensitive than usual due to the hormone changes that occur during Pregnancy which will make it difficult for you to feel comfortable while lying down throughout your session.
Prenatal Massage has many risks involved, and the best course of action to take if you want some relief from pregnancy symptoms might be something other than massaging your own body. However, for those who still want to get a massage during their pregnancies, there are certain precautions to take as well as places on your body that can't be touched at all by others (for safety reasons). We're happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about this topic – just get in touch.
By Danstone360 - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4760106
Are You Pregnant and Searching for a Certified Massage Therapist You Can Trust?
The Sanctuary Pleasant Hill LLC features a full range of services that are done using touch-based therapy. Our skilled therapists use their hands to manipulate the soft tissues of your body to relieve pain, improve health conditions, and promote wellness through holistic treatments like massage therapy! Located in the beautiful Contra Costa area, The Sanctuary is a Holistic Healing Center that specializes in exceptional treatments, especially for expectant moms! We aim to nurture and relax each of our guests with individualized and innovative therapeutic techniques. We provide a quiet restful space to help you escape from stress and invigorate your spirit. The choice of how to move forward on your journey is a personal decision, honored without judgment. Start your journey with us today, click here to schedule your appointment!