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Should I Worry About Hot Stones Leaving Marks After My Massage?

One of the many benefits of receiving a massage is that it can release tension in your muscles and one of the most common worries people have about hot stones is that they will leave a mark on their skin. Although this is a valid concern, it's important to note that a lot of factors can influence whether or not your massage leaves marks. These include: What type of stone you use, how long it stays in contact with your skin, and if there are any existing injuries or sores. If you're interested in knowing more about what to expect from hot stones after getting a massage then continue reading!

Should I Worry About Hot Stones Leaving Marks After My Massage?

Is Hot Stone Massage Safe?

One of the most important things to note is that hot stones are just heated objects and they can't actually cause a burn. If you experience discomfort during your massage, it's best for you to tell your therapist so he/she can adjust their techniques accordingly. You should also make sure that there isn't already an injury or sore on the area where the stone will be placed as this could increase the risk of damage if left in contact with the skin for too long.

What Are Hot Stones?

There are many different types of hot stones but basalt, jade, and granite are some of the most common kinds used today. These were chosen because they're porous which means they absorb heat well. Not only does this help keep them warm for longer periods of time, but it also means they release heat slowly. 

What Type Of Stone Should I Use?

If you're thinking about including hot stones in your massage then here are some things to keep in mind when choosing which ones to use:  

  • Some stones can be too heavy and may not stay on the body properly so make sure that you choose lighter options like basalt or jade.

  • If you've had a lot of injuries or surgeries recently, then avoid using stones as this could increase pain levels during your treatment.

  • If someone has sensitive skin or if there is an unhealed wound on the area where the stone goes, then consider using softer alternatives as plush cloths instead.

Is Hot Stone Massage Painful?

Although hot stone massage is often referred to as painless, it does have the potential to cause discomfort if you're not careful. If your therapist places a hot stone on an injury or sore then this can increase pain levels and lead to other problems such as skin damage.

It is important to make sure that one uses the proper methods in order for massage stones to be heated. Many people will heat them up through a microwave, hot plate, slow cooker, or ovens but these are not the right ways of warming up your rocks.

The stones used in a hot stone massage are usually several inches long and smooth. They can be heated using an electric heater, but the temperature should always be regulated to avoid burns. A professional therapist will warm them before use so that they do not get too hot or uncomfortable during treatment; if this does happen, however, immediately notify your therapist of any discomfort you may feel as some injuries could occur when the stones are excessively hot.

Whether you're trying massage for the first time or are already a fan and interested in trying something new, talk with your massage therapist about whether hot stone massage is appropriate for you. While many people find the warmth deeply relaxing and beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit, you also want to make sure that it's the right type of bodywork for you—especially if you have a health condition or injury. Call us today!

Massage therapist - The Sanctuary Pleasant Hill LLC 609 Gregory Ln Suite #220 Pleasant Hil

By Danstone360 - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

Are You Searching for a Hot Stone Massage Therapist You Can Trust?

The Sanctuary Pleasant Hill LLC features a full range of services that are done using touch-based therapy. Our skilled therapists use their hands to manipulate the soft tissues of your body in order to relieve pain, improve health conditions, and promote wellness through holistic treatments like massage therapy! Located in the beautiful Contra Costa area, The Sanctuary is a Holistic Healing Center that specializes in exceptional treatments. Our aim is to nurture and relax each of our guests with individualized and innovative therapeutic techniques. We provide a quiet restful space to help you escape from stress and invigorate your spirit. The choice of how to move forward on your journey is a personal decision, honored without judgment. Start your journey with us today, click here to schedule your appointment!

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